Noise-Cancelling Headphones vs Regular Headphones: Which is Best for a Flight

July 28, 2021


Travelling can be a stressful experience, especially when you're in a cramped space for hours on end. That's why many travelers turn to headphones to block out the noise and distractions around them. There are two types of headphones in the market - noise-cancelling headphones and regular headphones. But which one is better for a flight?

In this article, we'll compare noise-cancelling headphones with regular headphones and help you choose the best one for your upcoming flight.

Noise-Cancelling Headphones

Noise-cancelling headphones use advanced technology to block out external noise, providing a more immersive audio experience. These headphones work by analyzing the frequency of incoming sounds and creating an inverse sound wave to cancel it out. Most noise-cancelling headphones have a battery-powered component that must be charged.

The main benefit of noise-cancelling headphones is that they can effectively block out a majority of external noise. According to a study done by Wirecutter, noise-cancelling headphones can reduce noise by up to 45 decibels, making them a great choice for long-haul flights.

Regular Headphones

Regular headphones, also known as passive headphones, don't come with any noise-cancelling technology. These headphones work by simply covering your ears, which mutes the noise around you. But they don't have the ability to actively cancel noise.

The main benefit of regular headphones is that they are often more affordable and easier to use. They also don't require batteries, making them an ideal choice for travelers who want a no-fuss audio experience.

Noise-Cancelling Headphones vs Regular Headphones: Which is Better for a Flight?

So which one is better for a flight - noise-cancelling headphones or regular headphones?

If you're looking for complete noise-isolation, noise-cancelling headphones are the way to go. With noise-cancelling headphones, you can enjoy your music, podcast or movie without any interruptions from the noisy airplane engine or chatty passengers.

If you're on a budget or prefer a simpler audio experience, regular headphones can be a great option. While they won't completely block out external noise, they will still provide a decent audio experience, especially if you turn up the volume a bit.

Ultimately, the choice between noise-cancelling headphones and regular headphones comes down to personal preference and budget.


In summary, noise-cancelling headphones can provide a more immersive and noise-free audio experience, making them an excellent choice for in-flight use. Regular headphones are a more affordable and simple option, but won't block out external noise as effectively. Whichever one you choose, make sure to bring a charged battery and enjoy the added comfort during your travels.


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